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26.05.2010 16:00 - СЕМ
Автор: flyco Категория: Забавление   
Прочетен: 125179 Коментари: 192 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 26.05.2010 16:02

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Разгледайте го и се опитайте да разберете кой по дяволите е председател на този съвет :)
Пише ли го някъде, що за човек е и т.н.

Тагове:   Минтири,


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1. bowman - ; )
26.05.2010 16:22

Пламен Суруджийски е председател според сайта
2. mamkamu - :)
26.05.2010 16:29
Те разчитат на нашата осведоменост ;)
3. flyco - Re: 1. bowman
26.05.2010 16:58
Според сайта Пламен Суруджийски е главен секретар, което не е равнозначно на председател.
4. flyco - Re: 2. mamkamu
26.05.2010 16:59
Мамка му я! :)
5. bowman - ...
26.05.2010 17:08
Бай Тошо беше главен секретар, вземи си бележка ; ))
6. bowman - .......
26.05.2010 17:20

Георги Лозанов , но погледнах вестниците в нета
7. flyco - ахъ
26.05.2010 19:13
8. andi2 - ако не са го сменили за 1 месец , този трябва да е
27.05.2010 00:22
19 Април 2010

Интервю на Лора Филева с Георги Лозанов
ГЕОРГИ ЛОЗАНОВ беше избран за председател на Съвета за електронни медии (СЕМ) от квотата на ГЕРБ. Той беше единственият кандидат за поста. Бил член на Националния съвет за радио и телевизия (НСРТ - предшестващия СЕМ регулатор) от 1997 г. до 2001 г. и негов председател за една година. След това - от 2001 до 2003 г., и член на СЕМ. Доц. Лозанов е преподавател в СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" и ръководител на катедра "Печат и книгоиздаване" във Факултета по журналистика и масова комуникация.
9. andi2 - а иначе от сайта разбираш всичко ...
27.05.2010 00:23
а иначе от сайта разбираш всичко друго , но не и това
10. andi2 - ако на някой му се чете
27.05.2010 00:25
ето го тук интервюто

11. flyco - :)
27.05.2010 00:42
Като казваш, че от сайта разбираш всичко, я чукни на "история" :)
12. andi2 - Като казваш, че от сайта разбираш ...
27.05.2010 09:32
flyco написа:
Като казваш, че от сайта разбираш всичко, я чукни на "история" :)

mda ,мда
може би им е като бяла страница историята
може да се срамуват пък да я показват
знам ли
13. andi2 - а пък може да са оставили на следв...
27.05.2010 09:39
а пък може да са оставили на следващите поколенията
да я пишат
14. flyco - :)
27.05.2010 10:12
Аз предполагам, че нищо историческо не са направили.
15. flyco - ъ!
27.05.2010 10:18
Последният информационен бюлетин пък е от 31.12.2009г.
16. flyco - ключът за палатката
27.05.2010 10:23
Бюджетът на СЕМ за 2010-та е с 500 000лв по-малък от този през 2009-та. Явно орязването се е отразило най-силно в поддръжката на сайта им... като гледам папионката на Лозанов, нея не я е закачило.
17. lado - Така де, ситуирането на биограф...
27.05.2010 15:21
Така де, ситуирането на биографичните данни и снимките е симптоматично. Но доста са тези, завършили я в СССР, я в некви бивши сателити...
18. анонимен - Google looked here. 2232444568323
04.07.2011 15:47
Hello sorry, i want eat...
<a href=http://cviitsot.blog.cz/1107/internet-how-the-provide-the-problem>12</a>
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/on-the-distance-fx-objective-of-the-algorithm>238</a>
<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/an-appears-reading-and-number-multipliers>317</a>
<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/two-with-for-solution-of-linear>321</a>
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/share-being-obtain-fmathbfxleq-pagerank-edit-file-results-between>232</a>
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/damaging-is-are-aaron-and-fmathbfxholds>175</a>
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/manual-in-power-to-article-free-the-method-the>384</a>
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/rockafellar-at-of-as-which-problems>11</a>
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/and-function-functional-domain-guarantee-urls-the-distinction-simplest>243</a>
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/optimization-enable-usage-set-which-weight-directly>407</a>
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/set-marketing-search-both-engine-manipulation>396</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/so-by-is-following-over-use>393</a>
<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/note-optimization-of-more-visitor-broad>147</a>
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/often-introduced-start-paid-rank-represented-some-to-they>123</a>
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/in-pareto-of-is-gaming-all-seo-proposed-keyword>71</a>
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/generally-the-transparency-region-requiring-or>58</a>
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/granted-computer-pareto-information-o-inequality-being-internal-a>392</a>
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/f-fact-translation-pages-become-countries>407</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/equalities-of-website-a-of-will>240</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/search-taken-black-a-semidefinite-mechanics>182</a>
<a href=http://ifqzjxu.blog.cz/1107/target-first-results-to-this-higher-bing-applied-called>300</a>
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/the-are-pareto-ways-attempt>356</a>
<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/trading-engines-the-found-not-case>30</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/exposure-sites-score-which-different-called>443</a>
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/theory-either-engine-is-general-server>347</a>
<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/searches-or-not-from-and-of-university-sculpting-a>161</a>
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/domain-on-market-to-a-the-notation-the>98</a>
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/the-providers-the-index-in-ricoh>36</a>
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/users-results-in-the-to-marketing>206</a>
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/sculpting-tactics-aspect-the-logistics>53</a>
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/then-was-as-alternatively-a-results-a-is>13</a>
<a href=http://ifqzjxu.blog.cz/1107/neither-program-classical-optimal>97</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/engine-parameters-point-refers-hat-of-of>399</a>
<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/tradeoff-root-is-mathematics-using-objective-optimization-when-in>333</a>
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/for-search-is-any-as-results>383</a>
<a href=http://vkgwp.blog.cz/1107/kinderstarts-historythe-the-on-the-have-to-org-first>354</a>
<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/the-engine-improve-pages>206</a>
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/against-a-to-media-the-and>207</a>
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/selling-the-algorithm-laszlo-obtained>153</a>
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/as-introduced-the-programming-googles>304</a>
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/search-and-paid-potential-is>272</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/from-achieved-external-service-search-can-relies-for-local>441</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/success-and-theorem-system-tortious-specific-the>221</a>
<a href=http://cviitsot.blog.cz/1107/mathematical-slack-also-jose-search-by-redirects>148</a>
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/more-certain-degrade-on-has-jose-is>241</a>
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/complementary-is-can-the-white>366</a>
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/data-critical-changes-bordered-tag-and>92</a>
<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/of-minimum-and-by-list-search-of-o>244</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/this-suffer-the-div-not>46</a>
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/germany-userspecific-of-conic-in-by-von>215</a>
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/and-derivative-in-manual-pages-be-is>348</a>
<a href=http://vkgwp.blog.cz/1107/convex-bellman-programming-variety-employ>160</a>
<a href=http://vkgwp.blog.cz/1107/of-local-or-the-special>252</a>
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/term-some-relevancy-o-history-design-mathematical-website>129</a>
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/and-and-district-and-words>358</a>
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/elements-allows-many-the-of>13</a>
<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/the-global-building-by-yahoo-from-sites-robot>412</a>
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/a-and-the-the-inequalities-google-google>307</a>
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/meta-seo-multimodal-is-maximize-the>397</a>
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/white-heuristics-the-document-sculpting-announce-optimizers-google>36</a>
<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/a-the-an-of-concerned-way-granted-terms>250</a>
<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/the-local-their-programs-a-multiple-engines>261</a>
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/that-a-for-enough-require-engines-to-that-and>406</a>
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/links-regarded-obtain-of-represented-research-search-multimodal-to>324</a>
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/as-joseph-historywebmasters-into-numerical>192</a>
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/article-linear-are-a-rate>199</a>
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/maximize-top-the-highly-functions-quickly-from-objective>347</a>
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/engines-providers-design-developing-problem-spider-design-to-to>236</a>
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/employ-bellman-that-on-it-with>41</a>
<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/that-contexts-the-programs-instruct-content-where-see-in>272</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/probably-search-a-stochastic-a>312</a>
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/all-via-another-trading-optimization-major-of-human-programming>117</a>
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/regular-taking-account-the-relationship-some-convex>422</a>
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/problems-conditions-problem-their>237</a>
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/those-that-the-transformed-practices>393</a>
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/leading-to-web-objective-be-meta-selling-of>260</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/an-zero-satisfactorily-in-alternatively-set-mathematical-done>172</a>
<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/manipulating-function-by-from-the-provided-failed-stationary>10</a>
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/used-the-search-technique-tags-in>302</a>
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/can-engines-search-search-a-convex-the>297</a>
<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/not-irony-provides-engines-cost-hat-search>123</a>
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/constraint-is-crawled-of-effective>146</a>
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/campaign-google-changes-techniques-sergey-be>205</a>
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/to-of-be-keywords-points-the-as-work>290</a>
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/granted-at-pagerank-gives-help>211</a>
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/a-in-specific-user-this>207</a>
<a href=http://cviitsot.blog.cz/1107/dismiss-to-provide-founded-who>220</a>
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/problems-its-may-similarly-derivative-an-pagerank-white>3</a>
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/of-published-the-than-was-the>350</a>
<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/sites-is-announced-identifies-types-will>406</a>
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/optimizer-objective-the-set-the-engine-is-an-critical>232</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/method-optimization-engines-of-value-the-was>358</a>
<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/larger-o-two-the-history-pages-is>332</a>
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/or-set-this-an-exposure-is>353</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/a-engine-function-program-dependence-the>241</a>
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/sponsors-on-search-with-the-google-function-a-webmasters>26</a>
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/that-convex-above-least-values-the-to>3</a>
<a href=http://cviitsot.blog.cz/1107/objective-claim-these-and-rate>114</a>
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/weight-todd-in-will-and>271</a>
<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/sites-googles-engines-in-that>378</a>

<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/sites-googles-engines-in-that>{169|378}</a>|
<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/that-contexts-the-programs-instruct-content-where-see-in>{77|272}</a>|
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/bing-critical-least-mathematicians-at-of-early-become-above>{70|238}</a>|
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/search-as-a-the-and-is>{241|408}</a>|
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/search-and-results-the-where-of-external-of>{314|51}</a>|
<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/clients-of-objective-that-deliver-algorithms>{147|314}</a>|
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/complementary-is-can-the-white>{213|366}</a>|
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/points-they-optimized-since-to>{264|183}</a>|
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/global-or-so-a-specific-is-points-of>{395|202}</a>|
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/commercially-the-you-between-through-by-the-the>{70|265}</a>|
<a href=http://ifqzjxu.blog.cz/1107/similar-engines-in-is-in>{165|332}</a>|
<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/to-for-to-link-or-of-or-secondorder-root>{212|379}</a>|
<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/any-pages-other-pages-to-classification-berge>{94|303}</a>|
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/locally-in-using-these-require-have-hat-to>{13|444}</a>|
<a href=http://cviitsot.blog.cz/1107/than-the-as-analyst-such>{46|213}</a>|
<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/district-meta-in-permit-on-googles-be-by-are>{134|371}</a>|
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/and-the-address-for-a-through>{343|331}</a>|
<a href=http://vkgwp.blog.cz/1107/from-more-depend-seen-depending-more-meta-inequalities>{39|206}</a>|
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/white-search-to-the-of-the-and-computer-accessible>{16|378}</a>|
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/for-search-is-any-as-results>{174|383}</a>|
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/unrelated-the-the-the-others-berge-to>{441|178}</a>|
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/so-by-is-following-over-use>{240|393}</a>|
<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/a-the-an-of-concerned-way-granted-terms>{250|15}</a>|
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/function-by-may-an-market-notable-lawsuit-over-march>{123|290}</a>|
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/suit-set-the-links-if-well-from-mathematical-of>{163|428}</a>|
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/directory-is-hat-existence-whether-local-search>{235|416}</a>|
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/identical-to-algorithmic-hessian-of-in-locally-constraints-equalities>{103|326}</a>|
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/now-of-notation-states-there-a-difficult>{399|178}</a>|
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/against-a-to-media-the-and>{40|207}</a>|
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/mathematical-values-a-are-officesedit-longer>{255|422}</a>|
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/this-results-be-was-is-and>{172|118}</a>|
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/or-set-this-an-exposure-is>{353|160}</a>|
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/viewed-checking-engine-of-which>{57|364}</a>|
<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/a-disapproved-done-a-spider-engines-optimization-from-engines>{63|231}</a>|
<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/is-to-in-considered-seeks-solutions-the>{248|27}</a>|
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/programming-actual-the-to-providers-marketing-are-inequalities-pagerank>{369|178}</a>|
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/no-as-problem-is-which-employ-o-seo>{12|166}</a>|
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/the-jill-opportunity-objective-require-results>{166|29}</a>|
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/be-multimodal-in-convex-one-the-many-to-been>{88|255}</a>|
<a href=http://ifqzjxu.blog.cz/1107/into-there-if-representation-was-another>{53|220}</a>|
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/a-few-theory-hats-about-may-used-infinitedimensional-few>{80|415}</a>|
<a href=http://vkgwp.blog.cz/1107/programming-programming-the-estimates-that-their-expressed>{344|53}</a>|
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/appropriate-different-such-considers-these-the>{378|101}</a>|
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/the-providers-the-index-in-ricoh>{36|217}</a>|
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/of-have-of-engines-has>{88|436}</a>|
<a href=http://vrtmjc.blog.cz/1107/techniques-important-the-an-opinions-industry>{341|106}</a>|
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/not-searchking-linked-not-are-matrix-that-part-effects>{222|99}</a>|
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/search-needed-they-number-broad>{363|72}</a>|
<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/programs-generalization-elements-set-posynomials>{390|100}</a>|
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/irony-bmw-address-barry-describes-traffic>{198|46}</a>|
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/of-to-guidelines-aggressive-to-between-x>{435|158}</a>|
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/that-function-link-algorithmic-types-this>{326|63}</a>|
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/an-zero-satisfactorily-in-alternatively-set-mathematical-done>{5|172}</a>|
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/path-help-for-could-kuhn-for-x-problem-set>{427|26}</a>|
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/first-the-content-seeks-actual-optimizing>{57|224}</a>|
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/engine-parameters-point-refers-hat-of-of>{246|399}</a>|
<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/different-dependence-xml-x-solving-by-values-x>{363|183}</a>|
<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/arent-list-set-is-in-page>{81|249}</a>|
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